Boycott & Deshelf Sadaf

Stop buying Sadaf immediately!

Hold the line against normalization!

Businesses & their customers must unite against dangerous zionist products!

Food and Cultural Appropriation

Common in stores that carry “Middle Eastern” groceries, Sadaf is a “Mizrahi” (مستعربين) operation that shrouds itself in our food and culture. Mizrahim forge a false indigenous identity as a “Middle eastern heritage” to promote such things as “israeli” falafel or hummus.

Sadaf (owned by Soofer Inc.) steal Arab culture and deceive us into thinking it is a brand for us through its packaging, choice of product lines, and selling in Arab groceries.

Sadaf takes advantage of its proximity to Arab culture and identity, then culturally appropriates our ingredients and recipes — they are not part of our community.

Blog and News

How the newly-invented ‘Mizrahi’ identity harms Arabs and the region

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